The Vitro M5 Coffee Machine offers an extensive menu of fresh milk based drinks.
Vitro M5 is an elegant and contemporary looking coffee machine that has been developed with attention to detail and with the best material finishes, providing it with a unique premium identity.
You will be able to offer a wide range of espresso based fresh milk drinks, thanks to the innovative patented micro-injected air technology (MIA), from velvety cappuccinos to latte macchiatos with a deliciously thick layer of foam to satisfy the tastes of the most demanding consumers. The independent hot water serving areas allows the consumer to prepare tea & delicate infusions at ease with clean fresh hot water. Vitro is suitable for any location that consumes up to 250 cups per day. In this configuration the coffee machine comes with it’s own stand, featuring cup, lid, sugar and straw dispensers. In the space underneath the coffee bard stands it’s own fridge, with 400LT churn, so it can have it’s own independent milk supply.
- Height: 1990mm
- Width: 800mm
- Depth: 880mm